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The benefits of Cannabidiol  (CBD) have been documented in pre-Christian times, particularly in India. Historical documents reveal vast benefits of this plant, translated from Sanskrit literature dating from around 1400 - 2000 BC, although its therapeutic use is further described in Indian Ayurveda medicine. Records of such properties are even found in ancient Greece, made by Claudius Galen (131-201 AD) and Pedanius Dioscorides (40-90 AD).

Currently, the plasticity of the cannabis genome, as well as the ineffectiveness of synthetic drugs to adequately treat diseases of greater morbidity, have led to CBD receiving considerable attention. However, it is vitally important that therapies using CBD are justified and based on empirical, measurable, and reproducible evidence. For which we leave some research trials concerning this compound below.

Potential Therapeutic Value of CBD

Among the numerous literature on the properties of medical marijuana, both in cell lines, laboratory studies, and clinical trials with human patients, different benefits are reported:

Tumor cell apoptosis









Neuroprotective and Antioxidant


Muscle relaxant

Stimulates the appetite


The following l dex as are mentioned to n some of the benefits m to s studied the d í to today, both in research it or in the laboratory and clinical trials.


Studies suggest that CBD  has the properties to reduce the severity and frequency of epileptic seizures in children resistant to drugs created for this purpose. The number of clinical trials carried out to elucidate the effectiveness of CBD is increasing since more robust methodology and a greater number of patients are needed to be able to know the real potential of this compound.

Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects

These properties have been studied within disease models such as Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, glutamate toxicity, and neurodegeneration caused by alcohol. In double-blind clinical trials in patients with Parkinson's disease, they report improvement in the parameters known as the Quality-of-life scale.